Today is the first day I'm staying in this week,
although I will have to study, but that's ok.
As I mentioned previously, I live in Holland, and yesterday I came across something
really interesting for all the DUTCHIES:
This months' Glamour has a trial size Chanel mascara in it and also they will host their National Glamour Day on 2nd october.
This is always a fun day for shoping since you get 20% off in so many shops!
I might actually use it this year, don't know yet.
However, I'll blog a little bit more about this tonight since I'll have more time then.
For now, I'm trying to fight the 3 dwaze dagen started today and their website is crashing all the time. I am trying now since 30 minutes and nothing is happening, really bad preparation! They could have foreseen the web-traffic for today.
A marvelous example for poor preparation, SO DISAPPOINTING!

For all those that cannot read it: 'Wegens grote belangstelling voor de Drie Dwaze Dagen is onze website helaas tijdelijk slecht bereikbaar.
Kom later terug om uw bestelling te plaatsen. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.'
'Because of the increased traffic for the Drie Dwaze Dagen our website is currently down. Come back later and place your order. We apologize for the inconvenience'
- Moronic.
Anyways, I will keep on trying, luckily I have some coffee on my side, hihi.
Have a fabulous day, I will talk to you all later!
omg, that sucks. My parents were in the Bijenkorf today, soooooooo many people! After an hour they went to home. It was no such fun to shop out there.. (just like the website right now). Enjoy your day at home :)